Kick Your Own Booty
It may seem like you've set yourself up for failure by resolving to get in shape AND save money this year (why is it so hard to have one's cake and eat it too?), but fear not: here at BGG we aim to achieve the impossibl... more
Best of the Broke: June
Can you believe it's been nearly a month since you received your first Broke Girl's Guide email? We hope we helped beat the June Gloom (and the more permanent cubicle gloom) by enlightening you as to your options for living large and spendi... more
Let It Burn: Cheap (and Free!) Workouts Around Town
We know what you did this weekend. It’s okay. The fifth hot dog was overkill, but you were on your third BBQ of the day and fourth margarita and, well, it was there. In this moment, you’re probably just focused on surviving the day so... more
BGG Weekender
Four-day work weeks are like puppies and babies and kittens and cocktails all rolled into one marvelous, truncated little thing, aren’t they? The fact that we have almost arrived at our next reprieve from conference rooms and cubicles makes u... more
Free Dance Classes, Sans Humiliation
We were dancers our whole young lives, taking hours upon hours of serious instruction from serious teachers. So, when we one day in our adult lives thought it would be fun to get back into dancing, we decided ‘the school where Britney Spears ... more
Get Fit For Free With Our Expert-Created Workouts
We used to be big on exercise, and then, you know, life got in the way. One day off led to two days off (and a drunken foot injury did little to help the situation), until eventually we realized a year had gone by since we'd incorporated workou... more
Best of the Broke: January
Good morning! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and you’re sitting at your desk counting down the minutes from Monday to Friday. To help you get through it, we’ve put together a little refresher on our best content thi... more
DIY Workouts + Freebies from YAS
We hate to join the media legions bent on freaking you out about how soon summer will be here, and how potentially far you are from the banging beach body of your dreams. So instead we’ll just say that a good workout feels amazing, which is e... more
Free 11-Minute Booty Workout
We're told that the newest body craze coming out of South America involves fillers for your derriere. Since we don't believe in fillers anywhere, but particularly not in places that we can fill out on our own with just a little hard w... more
The Perfect Detox Day in LA
We don’t know about you, but Coachella absolutely wrecked us. Since the big event is over, and summer is a good month and a half away, we feel that now is as good a time as any to nurse ourselves back to health. Accordingly, we&rs...; more
Best of the Broke: April
It’s hard to believe that April has already come and gone, taking Tupac’s hologram with it. No time to mourn the loss, however, as this is our favorite time of year because there’s so much to look forward to as spring slowly... more
10 Ways to Fit Exercise Into Your Day
This article has been graciously contributed by one of our favorite websites, LearnVest.com: We know two things: 1. We should be exercising more. 2. We're probably losing money on our well-intentioned gym membership. We're awar... more
BGG Weekender
When the weekend begins, we completely understand the urge to drop everything, smash your computer screen, and run like a wild banshee into the bliss of Saturday and Sunday. However, before doing so tomorrow evening, first make sure to enter ... more
BGG Weekender: Bootsy Bellows, Arrested Development Art, & a Pizza Crawl
This weekend is going to be particularly amazing given its the start of a week-long period of acceptable slacking thanks to the midweek 4th of July holiday. We don’t plan on doing anything even remotely productive from this Friday throu... more
BGG Weekender: Le French, Some Ghosts, and a Bit of Grease
We just got back from a (work-related) trip to London, and after a week spent feeling like a pauper in a city that makes NYC seem cheap, we’re happy to have returned to sunny LA. Suddenly, we feel flush! However, we know better th... more
Carmelita Jeter, the Fastest Woman in the World
Most days, we consider a walk to Starbucks to be tantamount to an Olympic feat, which is why few things could impress us more than a 32-year-old athlete who's been named the fastest woman in the world. LA native Carmelita Jeter is just su... more
BGG Weekender: The Yogalympics, Some Chariots, and a Lot of Sex Talk
How the eff did it get to be August already?!? Somehow, we’ve found ourselves in the last month of summer with no evidence of a tan, having worn more bridesmaid dresses than bikinis. Sigh. While we’re trying not to dwe... more
10 Affordable Apps to Keep You Healthy
This article was graciously contributed by one of our favorite websites, LearnVest.com. This article was graciously contributed Everyone agrees that good health is priceless. And if you can maintain it with tools that cost le... more
BGG Weekender: Meteor Showers, Truffle Burgers & Liza Minnelli
With temperatures pushing 90 all week, we’re just about ready to ditch our work-appropriate clothing and wander into the office in a bikini. Our responsible/sane/dessert-stuffed side will hopefully prevent us from actually doing this, but the... more
Your Weekend To-Do List: Ryan Gosling, Breakfast Pizza, & 30% Off Fall Must-Haves
Our LA readers love the weekend itineraries we send them (oh-so-creatively called BGG Weekenders) so much that we couldn’t bear the thought of depriving the wider world of their genius. So, we’ve begun creating weekend to-do lists that ... more
Celebrity Trainer Holly Perkins' "Sit & Be Fit" Office Workout
After two straight months of turkey dinners, Christmas cookies, and more than my fair share of wine, I have officially grossed myself out enough to join the chorus of New-Year-resolvers everywhere—I need to get healthy again, ASAP! And ... more
The BGG To-Do List: Buy Jeans That Reduce Cellulite, Win Money, and Get Your Sh*t Together
You’ve got a three-day weekend ahead of you, so we’ll keep this short and sweet while you bide your time until 5 p.m. Fact is: We were finally getting into the rhythm of this whole five days of work/school thing, but no matter—we&... more
50% Off Personal Training Sessions with Celebrity Trainer David Waters
Let's face it. Whatever it is you're doing (half-hearted leg lifts while watching "Downton Abbey") isn't working. You need professional help if there's any hope of getting out of your January fitness slump. Luckily, celebrity traine... more
BGG Weekender: Taste Of The Eastside, A Vintage Fashion Expo, & The Paris Photo Fair
Maybe some of you didn’t get your fill of festival madness after the past two weekends of Coachella. Or maybe you've just been waiting for a festival with a little less of this t ype of nonsense and a little more of this type o... more