Online Dating That May Actually Result In a (Gasp!) Relationship
We hate to add our voices to the hundreds, nay, thousands of girls in this town who incessantly bemoan the dating world here, but after many (MANY!) years of being on and off the market, we can&rsqu...; more
dating, online dating, Three Day Rule
5 Lederhosen-Less Ways to Celebrate Oktoberfest
It may still be too hot in Los Angeles for lederhosen and itchy felt hats, but that’s no reason we can’t partake in a little Oktoberfest revelry. After all, we’re pretty sure the f... more
cheap drinks, cheap drinks LA, cheap activities, oktoberfest, octoberfest la
BGG Weekly Playlist: Free Yoga, Wild Things, & Loads of Candy
Between the mini-Carmageddon reprise and the 100-degree heat, this weekend had our blood boiling—and had us creepily lingering in any air-conditioned public spaces we could find. At first we w... more
cheap eats, cheap activities, happy hour, cheap drinks
BGG Weekender: Vintage Shopping, Real Brazilians & The Goonies
While this abbreviated workweek should have left us feeling rested and rejuvenated, we somehow feel just as exhausted as ever. Either we're getting too old or we work too much or, perhaps, both ... more
cheap eats, cheap drinks, cheap activities, happy hour
Manhattan Beach Day Out
When our friends in NY started posting Hamptons pics and tweeting sweat-laden messages back in June, we were still employing our expert skills in the art of layering and huddling under heat lamps. &... more
cheap eats, cheap activities, cheap drinks
BGG Weekender: The Yogalympics, Some Chariots, and a Lot of Sex Talk
How the eff did it get to be August already?!? Somehow, we’ve found ourselves in the last month of summer with no evidence of a tan, having worn more bridesmaid dresses than bikinis. &nb...; more
cheap eats, cheap drinks, cheap activities, free fitness, sample sales
Doggie’s Day Out
They say that when a woman first gets a puppy, it’s a sure sign that her biological clock has begun to tick and that men should run for the hills. While this may be true, we still suppor... more
cheap activities
BGG Weekender: Tom Cruise & Twilight
We hope your brain has had adequate time by now to recover from Wednesday’s shenanigans -- ours has not, but we’re holding out hope that functionality will return shortly so that we can ... more
cheap eats, cheap drinks, cheap activities, film screenings