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Our 10 Favorite St. Patrick’s Day Recipes

Do you long to honor your Irish heritage on Saturday, but would prefer to keep a safe distance from public urination, vomiting, and the groping hands of frat boys? Avoiding the crowds in favor of a homegrown soiree might be your best bet. Whether you're envisioning a huge party chez toi or an intimate calorie-fest involving yourself and your refrigerator, we've compiled our 10 favorite recipes for our one favorite holiday.

Chocolate Stout Cupcakes with Irish Whiskey Filling -- getting schmammered WHILE eating cupcakes = genius.

Jolly Jell-O Shot -- class up the occasion with these jiggly throwbacks to your college days.

Leprechaun Trap Cake -- there is simply no way that our cake would turn out looking like it does in this adorable picture but hey, a girl can dream.

Irish Isle Cocktail -- this lime-vodka-muddled-cucumber mix comes care of Confidential Beverly Hills. If you're too lazy to make it yourself, you can get one for free from Confidential (just use the secret password "Leprechaun")!

Baileys Dark Chocolate Pudding -- because a St. Patrick's Day without Baileys is like a Christmas without Santa Claus.

Lucky Charms Treats -- just like Rice Krispies treats, but more "Irish." These make us nostalgic for the days when we ate dessert for breakfast without feeling obliged to work out afterwards.

Guinness Ice-Cream Float -- the only thing we love more than ice cream is ice cream floating in booze. 

Rainbow Cake in a Jar -- this cake is almost too beautiful to eat but oohhhh wait, we just did.

Lucky Leprechaun Bark -- we're surprised this brilliant combination (Lucky Charms + chocolate) doesn't yet exist in cereal form. 

Oreos Dipped in White Chocolate & Rainbow Sprinkles -- need we say more?

Mar 16, 2024 - 05:16 AM

cocktail recipes, recipes, party planning