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  • Maghound

    You know that fitness magazine you hoped would get you into shape? Or that music magazine you thought might help you attain your rockstar dreams?  Although you’re bored with them by the third issue, you won’t get a penny back from ... more

  • 9 Real Reasons You're Still Broke

    This article has been graciously contributed by one of our favorite websites, LearnVest.com. You might remember a particularly fuzzy story in The Huffington Post that came out last year around Christmas, called “The Real Reason You'... more

  • DIY Dry Clean

    There’s nothing worse than snagging a great outfit on sale before realizing it’s dry-clean-only. Even with coupons, dry cleaning can make a double-, or even triple-, digit dent in your budget. Plus, who wants to wear clothes that have b... more

  • 5 Surprising Things You Should Negotiate

    When we talk about negotiation, we ask two central questions: How do we do it well?  When is it appropriate? We’ve got #1 covered with our start-to-finish negotiating 101 guide for asking for more at work, and 11 tips from exper... more

  • 17 Free Apps That Will Cut Monthly Bills

    This article was graciously contributed by one of our favorite websites, POPSUGAR Smart Living.  Apps, apps, and more apps — everyone loves apps, especially if they're free. Check out these apps that will save you money and won&... more

  • Save Money This Week & Brown Bag Your Lunch

    This article was graciously contributed by one of our favorite websites, POPSUGAR Smart Living. Save money and make your mornings a breeze by packing your lunches ahead of time. While Sunday afternoon doesn't give you the best feelings, a ... more

  • How to Store Fruits and Veggies So They Last Longer

    This article was graciously contributed by one of our favorite websites, POPSUGAR Smart Living. Ensure your fruits and vegetables stay fresh longer by storing them properly. After giving produce a quick cleaning, knowing where to keep them mea... more

  • Your Weekend To-Do List: Fall Transition Pieces, Gorgeous DIY Headband, & Ending FOMO Forever

    There's probably a good reason why we didn't major in stats, but sometimes we can't help but tally up the number of hours we spend on useless activities. The short list includes commuting, cleaning, and sifting through a bazillion email... more

  • This Apartment Hunting App Is Our New Favorite Life Hack

    The beaches, the biz, and the year round sunshine easily round out our favorite reasons for living in Los Angeles. But what really binds us as a community of southern California urbanites are the gripes, the pet peeves, the OMG-JUST-KILL-ME moments... more
