Free Fitness Classes at Lululemon
Yes, we know yoga is a bit trendy. And yes, we know we have free yoga session offers coming out of our ears. But as with apple martinis, one more never hurt anyone, right? Especially when that one m... more
free workouts
Party Like It’s Whatever Year You Last Went On Spring Break
Perhaps your kid brother is off in Cancun this weekend, but you’re stuck in the office working overtime. Or perhaps you are one of those lucky college students (please don’t rub it... more
staycation, beach
Show Him the Love
If it's not your anniversary, it's his birthday. Or it's Christmas, or it's Valentine's Day. Who has time for all this crap, not to mention the money?? Staying ... more
gift ideas, cheap activities
Take a Hike
Stuck in LA this weekend but dying to get away? Assuming there is no forecast of rain, we suggest taking advantage of LA's geographical advantages and going on a long, relaxing (or exhaust... more
hikes, staycation, free activities