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You’ve Won Our $1000 American Express Gift Card Giveaway!

Didn't get what you wanted yesterday? We know the feeling. (Okay, so we wanted early retirement, a wedding to Ryan Gosling in Bali, and a couple million dollars, but still.) We'd love to give all of you $1000 just for being our friends, but if we had that kind of money to throw around, we would probably be spending it in Bali with Ryan Gosling. However, we did promise to give away a $1000 American Express gift card to one lucky Broke Girl, and today is the day we make all her (or, at least, a thousand dollars worth) dreams come true. 

Without further ado, the winner of our $1000 giveaway is...Laura Levine!!! Congratulations, Laura!

If you didn't win today, don't despair. Broke Girl's Guide will be running a TON of giveaways in the new year. In the meantime, happy (and safe!) holidays!  



Dec 26, 2023 - 08:24 AM
