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Our Favorite Drool-Worthy Holiday Dishes

One of us used to eat Christmas dinner at Medieval Times because it is one of the few restaurants open every day of the year. (And no, we're not Jewish.)  Somehow having surpassed this childhood trauma (or awesomeness, depending how you look at it), we have grown to embrace all things holiday, ESPECIALLY those things which can be consumed. It was therefore with much joy -- and many tireless, dedicated hours spent in the kitchen -- that we concocted the following list of must-try holiday recipes. Consider them the perfect antidote to a Christmas spent wearing paper crowns while watching grown men joust.

Pumpkin Ginger Soup -- pumpkin is one of our favorite things about the season. Our feelings for it border on obsessive.

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds -- it would be a crime to waste all those lovely pumpkin seeds, especially when it takes less than 15 minutes to transform them into a delicious, crispy snack.

Ginger Jeweled Salad -- with mixed greens, wild rice, toasted hazelnuts, and dried figs and cranberries, this jewel-inspired salad both looks and tastes amazing. 

Easy Green Beans Almondine -- ridiculously simple. Offer to make this dish if cooking is really not your thing, but you don't want to come off as lazy or incompetent while everyone else is cooking away.

Thomas Keller’s Roast Chicken with Root Vegetables -- because we are chefs, you know, just like Thomas Keller. If the root vegetables are too fancy for you, just throw in some sliced potatoes instead. We won't tell.

Idiot-Proof Walnut Fudge -- just because any moron can make this does not detract from its fudgy deliciousness.

Carrot Oatmeal Cookies -- if you can't touch fudge because it sends you straight into a sugar coma, try these healthy (but tasty) treats make from oats, carrots, walnuts, and maple syrup. 

Dec 16, 2024 - 09:47 AM

recipes, holidays