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Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas & Party Tips
Assuming we’re not the only ones who have done nothing to prepare for this weekend other than inhale frightening amounts of candy corn (somebody help!!), we’ve compiled a Broke Girl’s Halloween guide replete with last-minute costume ideas and three simple party decor tips from Jess Garvey of Hostess Handbook. To start with, check out our list of cheap and easy celebrity-inspired Halloween costumes, which are the perfect antidote to costumes like “sexy zombie,” “pedestrian,” or “bunch of grapes” -- so long as you’re not trying to win any awards this year.
Costume Ideas For Lazy Broke Girls:
1. Lady Gaga: Staple a picture of a steak to your dress, and voila -- you’re wearing the famous meat dress. You could also don a pair of eight-inch heels, but we hesitate to recommend this to anyone who will be drinking.
2. Bethenny Frankel: This costume gives you an excuse to drink Skinny Girl margaritas all night. Don’t forget to have paper money coming out of every orifice. The plastic baby is optional.
3. Blake Lively: Push up that cleavage, hitch up your skirt, and tie a half dozen Ken dolls around your waist to show just how many notches this girl has on her belt. Tape pictures of Leo’s and Ryan Reynolds’ faces to a couple of the dolls and enjoy your status as one of the luckiest girls on Earth.
4. Kate Middleton: Wear a simple shift dress and hang on tightly to your rope ladder (perfect for social climbing).
5. Zooey Deschanel in New Girl: Wear thick glasses, look utterly adorable, and burst into song about once every two minutes.
Party Ideas for Lazy Broke Girls:
Now that the costume is out of the way, you’re ready to party. Since our entertaining ideas rarely get more creative than buying Trader Joe’s hors d’oeurves, we have enlisted the aid of Jess Garvey from the Hostess Handbook, who has ever so kindly offered up three cute and easy tips for Halloween parties.
Tip #1: Always have a fun drink that helps create atmosphere!
The bar is a party hot spot and the perfect place to display a boiling Halloween punch. With dry ice, you can whip up a cocktail to remember! Simply place a block of the ice in a cauldron and add hot liquid for optimum fog. Don't worry, the drink will turn cold in seconds -- it’s magic!
My advice: Make the punch extra strong and then add the dry ice and pour a cup of hot water to make the most mist and dilute the drink. Wait until the ice is dissolved and serve. (For a few drink ideas, check out these recipes for blood red sangria, pumpkin spice with vodka, or this long list of spooky punch ideas.)
Add to the bar decor by placing medicine bottles with crawling bugs, green jugs with spooky labels, glitter spiders, goblet shot glasses and neon skull candles around the area.

Get some Dots at the 99 Cent Store (a one stop shop for the decorating diva) and create a kitschy look by spelling out "BOO" with the candy, or try drawing a pumpkin with the Dots! These pieces can be displayed on tabletops and on the sides of food platters as garnish. This is perfect for the girl on the go who has no dough!
Tip # 3: Have fun accessories for your guests to play with and take home.

The accessories can double as decor as well! Get some cheap spider rings to scatter on tables and work into Halloween displays around the house. Make sure to give the rings to those guests who don’t show up in costume!
Oct 28, 2024 - 07:39 AM