Be Stuffed

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French Toast, Je T’aime

Not sure if we’re regressing to our childhoods, but we have lately had a pretty serious hankering for French toast (and cartoons, but that’s another story).  Not your standard French toast – bread dipped in egg?  please, that’s for amateurs – but rather its decadent, obese cousin commonly known as “stuffed French toast.”  For your epicurean pleasure, we have provided links to some killer recipes that will, undoubtedly, make your lazy Sunday complete.

First, may we suggest Rachel Ray’s Peanut Butter-Chocolate Stuffed French Toast with Jam Syrup?  It is never to early to start eating chocolate.

Perhaps you’re looking for something a little less sweet and a little more savory… Doesn’t a Peanut Butter Banana and Bacon Stuffed French toast sound lovely?

Okay, fine, maybe not all of us can afford to have a breakfast that weighs in at 2,000 calories.  If you’re like us, and couldn’t quite squeeze into the ski pants that fit perfectly last year, don’t resignedly whip out the egg whites and spinach.  Here is a much healthier version of Peanut Butter and Banana Stuffed Pacakes, care of Hungry Girl.  Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t have your pancakes and eat them too.

Jun 17, 2024 - 03:25 PM

recipes, healthy recipes