Be Out
- Beverly Hills
- Brentwood
- Century City
- Culver City
- Downtown
- Hollywood
- Palisades / Malibu
- Mid-Wilshire / Miracle Mile
- Pasadena
- Santa Monica
- Silver Lake / Los Feliz
- South Bay
- Valley
- Venice
- West Hollywood
- West LA / Westwood
BGG Weekender: We’re Free, Let’s Party!
What do you’s already the weekend! Or at least, nearly. While we sometimes wish we were still a colony belonging to England (those accents make men so much hotter, no?), we’re forever grateful for the freedom that independence has afforded us. Especially when that freedom presents itself as two extra days off from work.
You probably have loads of plans this weekend, especially tomorrow, but we’re here to fill in the gaps. Included in this long weekender are tons of special happy hours, a burlesque tribute to Weird Al Yankovic (really!), super cheap paddleboard lessons, a ballet performance under the stars, and more.
Oh, and since it’s the beginning of the month, we assume some of you might want to spend this long weekend apartment-hunting. Might we suggest you use RadPad? It’s a photo-based rental iPhone app--think Craigslist meets Instagram. No more scrolling through Westside Rentals' antiquated interface! Plus, as you drive around town looking for your next home, the app will automatically update with nearby listings in real time!
And now, keep reading to get your long, 4th of July weekender....
Jul 02, 2024 - 02:46 PM