be well

  • Warby Parker: Glasses You Can See Yourself In

    Dorothy Parker once said "men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses," but we're gonna go ahead and refute that claim here. I mean, did she ever wear contact lenses in allergy season? Probably not. We've sound a cheap and stylish way ... more

  • A Broke Girl’s Tooth Fairy

    Our dentist is awesome.  He and the hygenist are husband & wife, and we really, really heart them.  They always remember details about our lives and are uber-flexible with their regular patients.  Best of all for those of you ens... more

  • Get Smart for Free

    Ah, college…that time when Mom returned your phone calls begging for money…when you were not yet cynical enough to disdain parties with themes like pimps and ho's" or "ghetto fabulous"…and most importantly, when you actuall... more

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