Broke Girl’s Guide
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True Confessions: How I Traveled Abroad For 9 Months
This article was graciously contributed by one of our favorite websites, and was written by Darcie Connell.
We all dream of taking off for somewhere fabulous and staying there for ... well, more than a week or two.
But how many of us actually do it? I'm excited to say that I did.
In 2009, my husband and I took a nine-month trip through Asia. But we didn’t stop there—in 2011, we headed south to explore Central and South America for an entire year.
In those two trips alone, we traveled for 84 weeks through 15 countries—learning how to save money and becoming better travelers along the way. It may seem like traveling for more than an entire school year would be prohibitively expensive, but along the way, we learned to prepare appropriately to keep our costs down.
How exactly did we do it? We followed these nine steps.
Jun 17, 2024 - 08:59 AM