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The Myth of the Career Safety Net: Why You Shouldn’t Play It Safe

This article was graciously contributed by one of our favorite websites,

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

"I should be glad to have a job! It would be crazy to leave a perfectly good biweekly paycheck unless I have another one already lined up."

For many of us, the thing that keeps us firmly rooted in our jobs—our "safety net," if you will—isn’t the traditional lure of an employer pension or 401(k). It’s the idea that we should stay in a job (or field) because otherwise, we’ll end up on the street.

It’s thinking that our skills and expertise are only good in one field, and that as long as we stay in that field, we’ll be O.K. It’s having seniority in our current job and worrying that everything we’ve built will vanish if we make a change.


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When we’re so scared, it’s no wonder we cling to the safety net that is our current situation. But in my work as a career coach, I tell people that if you’re staying where you are because you think it’s the safe move, you just might be doing the least safe thing for your career.

Admittedly, moving away from that which makes us comfortable is easier said than done, so your adventure doesn’t have to mean quitting your job this afternoon. If you’re feeling tentative or unsure where to start, begin with these three steps.

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Aug 28, 2024 - 09:01 AM