Broke Girl’s Guide
Current Edition: Everywhere | Los Angeles
Be Beautiful
- Everywhere
Beauty Tips For The Girl-On-The-Go
By BGG Contributor: Deb Tori
It's the eternal paradox of the busy, working woman: We're constantly faced with the pressure of a schedule brimming with work, school, family affairs, or all of the above, while maintaining a social life. And dating. And staying fit. And somehow we're supposed to tackle it all while looking perfectly poised and effortlessly polished.
(For our part, we usually oscillate somewhere between achieving this insane balancing act and wanting to give it all up in exchange for sweats, t-shirts and ponytails. Which we've been known to live in on weekends.)
To help you preserve your sanity (and your schedule) while looking your best, we've put together five easy tips for no-fuss fixes and time-saving beauty must-do's.
Aug 27, 2024 - 08:11 AM