Broke Girl’s Guide
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4 Reasons Why The Holidays Are The Best Time To Snag a Guy

This article was graciously contributed by our friends from Three Day Rule.
The holidays are quickly coming to an end, so we wanted to clue you in on a little last-minute secret: the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year to snag a guy. Those words really should resonate (and not just because of the cheesy reference to that holiday song).
Now, you may be skeptical as to why the holidays are a prime time to snag a date just in time for New Years Eve. The science of it is simple: men are more vulnerable during the holidays. Here's why:
1. Let’s start with the obvious. Men experience mounting pressure from their families to bring a special someone home this time of year. This translates into a rush to find the perfect girl-next- door who can gracefully sit through Uncle Gene’s creeper attempts to hold mistletoe over her head.
2. And, don’t forget holiday parties. Men’s coworkers are unbearable enough during the day. Spending 2 more hours with them over a rubber chicken is torturous. Nothing makes that experience more palatable than having a nice date with whom to pass the time at the open well-beverage bar.
3. There are basic biological reasons, too. Guys get cold. That’s right, just like little bears (read: awwww!) they want to hibernate during the winter season and snuggle. On that note, the holidays remind guys of home. They grow sick of Subway coldcut trios and frozen pizzas and desire a home-cooked meal. So get your oven mitts ready (or have California Chicken Café on speed dial).
4. Finally, we all know that nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute. As NYE approaches, men and women alike want to lock in that kiss so they aren’t stuffing their faces with chex mix at midnight (side note: if you want a great party to attend, please join us).
Now that you have an understanding of why the holidays are the best time to snag a guy, get off the couch, start RSVP’ing to all the holiday parties you can, and pull that little red dress out of hiding.
Dec 25, 2023 - 08:55 AM