Broke Girl’s Guide
Current Edition: Everywhere | Los Angeles
Be Stuffed
- Everywhere
10 Decadent Breakfasts in Bed

Somehow, we are STILL hungover from the festivities of last weekend -- our recovery time lately has just not quite been what it used to be. Ergo, we are planning to take it very easy this weekend (read: lie in bed from tonight at 6 p.m. until our alarm rings on Monday morning), and nothing sounds dreamier to us than breakfast between the sheets. While having a hot boyfriend/boy-toy to feed you the following dishes is certainly a plus, it’s not a requirement, and the cooking will count as your cardio for the weekend.... Not that you should be thinking about calories at a time like this, because, well, health is quite certainly NOT a priority of this recipe roundup.
Jun 08, 2024 - 11:08 AM